Maritime Stars Contender!


Maritime firebrand Allan Hejslet of Erhvervshus Nordjylland (loosely translates into "Business House Northern Jutland") is spearheading a new round of Danish maritime accelerator course and competition Maritime Stars. 

This time Allan has allied himself with the good people at industry body Danish Maritime and secured the monetary support of the equally good people at The Danish Maritime Fund. The jurors in the panel at Maritime Stars are drafted from some of Denmark's many strong maritime industry players, such as Viking Life-Saving Equipment, DESMI, Alfa Laval, MAN Energy Solutions, Semco Maritime, DanPilot, DFDS, Gatehouse and HOYER.

Selected among an initial set of some 30 applications, we participated at the Maritime Stars pitching event last Thursday, 20 June 2024, at the great GrowAal facility in Aalborg. As you can read in this article (in Danish) in Danish maritime publication Søfart (Shipping):, we are pleased to report that among the 9 companies pitching, we were among the 5 contenders selected to move on to the next round.

From now on and through March 2025, we will therefore participate in 3 camps, meet and network with a great many industry players and - significantly - gain an advisory board of seasoned industry veterans for the duration.

We are thrilled and humbled to be selected among a field of so many strong maritime contenders. It means especially much to us exactly because we have been judged and found worthy by such a strong set of industry participants. Many thanks to Allan, Maritime Stars and the jury! We promise to do our best to use this opportunity for the good of ourselves and the Danish maritime industry.